FREEWAT at the 43rd IAH Congress, Montpellier

The FREEWAT project was presented by Rudy Rossetto and Giovanna De Filippis (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna) at the 43rd IAH International Congress held in Montpellier on September 25-29th 2016. In the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, the Congress was attended by groundwater experts from all over the world and offered ample opportunities to reflect, take stock and to assess the current state and perception of groundwater within societies worldwide.

FREEWAT presented at the XXXV Italian Congress of Hydraulics

On September 16th 2016 FREEWAT project was presented by Giovanna De Filippis (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna) at the XXXV Italian Congress of Hydraulics “IDRA16”, organized in Bologna (Italy) by University of Bologna and the Italian Group of Hydraulics.

FREEWAT poster presented at the 14th Conference of the European Society for Agronomy, Edinburgh September 7, 2016

On September 7th 2016 FREEWAT project was presented by Davide Rizzo (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna) at the 14 th biennial conference of the European Society for Agronomy Symposium titled: “Growing Landscapes – Cultivating Innovative Agriculture Systems” in the session: “Water framework directive - Challenges and opportunities”.

IGRAC presents FREEWAT at 35th IGC in Cape Town

During the 35th International Geological Congress, IGRAC Researcher Daniela Benedicto van Dalen presented the FREEWAT (FREE and open source software tools for WATer resource management) in a poster session. FREEWAT is a HORIZON 2020 project financed by the EU Commission under the call 'Water innovation: Boosting its value for Europe. The work presented during this congress is entitled as: FREEWAT a water management tool enhancing the participatory approach in the Stampriet aquifer system region.

FREEWAT presented at the Symposium and Summer School “Smart Systems for Water Management”

On August 24th 2016 FREEWAT project was presented by Giovanna De Filippis (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna) at the Symposium and Summer School “Smart Systems for Water Management - Modelling, Simulation, Analytics and ICT for Behavioural Change”, organized at Centro Congressi Stefano Franscini, in Monte Verità (Switzerland) by IDSIA USI/SUPSI and Politecnico di Milano.

H2020 FREEWAT at UNESCO (Paris)

The H2020 FREEWAT Training the trainers course, after having been held in several locations across Europe (Malta, Greece, Estonia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Germany, …), last week was given at UNESCO- IHP (FREEWAT project partner) premises in Paris.

Oral presentation of FREEWAT project in the Hydrology Course in the Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras Dr. Eduardo Jorge Usunoff (IHLLA) the 9th of June of 2016 in Azul (Argentina)

The 9th of June of 2016, in the framework of several courses and seminars about Hydrogeology organized by the Course of Hydrogeology (Curso de Hidrología subterránea) organized by FCHIS ( and ILLHA (, an oral presentation of the project FREEWAT was performed by Dr.Enric Vázquez Suñè (IDAEA-CSIC).