This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 642224
The Stampriet case study, led by UNESCO-IHP with the technical support of IGRAC, will focus on developing a groundwater model and water budget for this large transboundary aquifer shared by Namibia, Botswana and South Africa. Groundwater is the major source of domestic and agricultural water supply in the Stampriet region. The Stampriet aquifer is considered to be relatively vulnerable to overexploitation and contamination. The management of the aquifer system is even more challenging because of its transboundary nature that hampers data availability and exchange. Through promoting a cooperative environment among water specialists, policy-makers and implementing agencies, FREEWAT will encourage and enhance a scientific and participatory approach in water resources management. FREEWAT’s inclusive process to develop a groundwater model for the aquifer by fully involving national authorities and local institutions will be milestone to strengthen transboundary cooperation and develop harmonized policies as a means to ensure a sustainable exploitation of the groundwater resource among the three countries.