Oral presentation of FREEWAT project in the Hydrology Course in the Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras Dr. Eduardo Jorge Usunoff (IHLLA) the 9th of June of 2016 in Azul (Argentina)

The 9th of June of 2016, in the framework of several courses and seminars about Hydrogeology organized by the Course of Hydrogeology (Curso de Hidrología subterránea) organized by FCHIS (http://www.fcihs.org/) and ILLHA (http://www.ihlla.org.ar/), an oral presentation of the project FREEWAT was performed by Dr.Enric Vázquez Suñè (IDAEA-CSIC).

Further information about this course can be found in http://www.ihlla.org.ar/novedades/n617

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