Work Package 8 – Dissemination and Exploitation and Communication

WP description:

The objective of this WP are:

  • to raise awareness among stakeholders about the project aims and objectives;
  • to ensure maximal exploitation of project results;
  • to update stakeholders with news and improvements about the open source and public domain FREEWAT platform that can facilitate the application of water related European Directives;
  • training of project participants and supporting stakeholders;
  • to foster knowledge among all project partners and to ensure that the project's results effectively reach the end-users and the FREEWAT platform is widely tested and used.

Impact of FREEWAT will be maximised by a dedicated plan for dissemination and exploitation, and communication of project activities and results. The Dissemination and Exploitation and Communication plan will be carried out to receive feedbacks and to engage in dialogue with the relevant stakeholders involved in project activities. The final aim is to see FREEWAT platform widely applied all over Europe and beyond. A strategic plan and targeted measures for communicating about (i) the action and (ii) its results to a multitude of audiences, including the media and the public and possibly engaging in a two-way exchange will be set.

A FREEWAT exploitation agreement will be shared among all the partners during the project duration. At the enf of the project, all FREEWAT source codes (software programmes, tools, packages, etc.) and FREEWAT itself will follow the most used free and open source licence, such as GPL (General Public License:

Communication of project activities, workshops, and events will be disseminated also through the EU CORDIS news and CORDIS WIRE web sites.

Materials prepared include brochures, newsletters, articles, and audio-visual material that can be distributed in the most appropriate style.

Each partner, IST-SUPSI included, will organize a workshop in its own country to raise further awareness about the project among stakeholders. The aim of this initiative is direct distribution and presentation of the benefits of the new tool amongst the stakeholders

FREEWAT Google Groups

The FREEWAT community enlarges! 

Two FREEWAT Google Groups are available to get in touch with other Users and Developers.

FREEWAT Users Group

FREEWAT Developers Group