Work Package 6 - Enhanced science- and participatory approach evidence-based decision making

WP description:

The activity of this WP is aimed at securing the uptake of scientific/technical knowledge provided by applying the FREEWAT platform throughout the policy cycle (namely, from policy design to implementation, monitoring and review).

Means to reach this goal are:

a. introducing the participatory approach during the technical application of the FREEWAT platform;

b. ensuring that project outcomes will reach policy implementation, by transfer of scientific and technical achievements of the project to stakeholders and in particular policy makers and authorities.

In this WP all necessary activities to streamline project results to address the WFD and water related Directives challenges will be carried out.

A grid to intersect “needs and priorities” with “availability of software tools” will be drawn up. Needs will be collected among project partners and stakeholders. Conversely, a concise, but exhaustive list of software capabilities to be included in FREEWAT platform will be compiled by partners in charge of technical activities. Any need/ priority will be classified according to the WFD and water related Directives. A list of tools able to solve the directive-related issues will be included.

Once a common level of knowledge is defined, for each case study included in the project a Focus Group (FG) will be activated in order to have active participation of stakeholders in the use of FREEWAT and in the analysis of the water management scenarios to:

- demonstrate the benefits of applying the FREEWAT platform also to a non-technical audience;

- guarantee and boost a more thorough FREEWAT distribution;

- help increase the numbers of FREEWAT users not only among scientists, but also among the technical and non-technical stakeholders.

- ensure enhanced science- and participatory approach evidence-based decision making by using the results of the FREEWAT application.

FREEWAT Google Groups

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Two FREEWAT Google Groups are available to get in touch with other Users and Developers.

FREEWAT Users Group

FREEWAT Developers Group