FREEWAT reference peer-reviewed paper!


You can find an updated list of open access peer-reviewed papers and conference papers on FREEWAT at the following links:

Peer-reviewed papers

Conference papers


Should you be using FREEWAT for your work or research, whenever you need to cite the software, please use the following citation:

Rossetto, R., De Filippis, G., Borsi, I., Foglia, L., Cannata, M., Criollo, R., Vázquez-Suñé, E., 2018. Integrating free and open source tools and distributed modelling codes in GIS environment for data-based groundwater management, Environmental Modelling & Software, 107:210-230


We welcome adding to our webpage papers or technical reports describing work or research done using FREEWAT.

If you wish your FREEWAT-related work to be accessible through our website, please write to

And a new page on FREEWAT MSc thesis will be available soon!

FREEWAT Google Groups

The FREEWAT community enlarges! 

Two FREEWAT Google Groups are available to get in touch with other Users and Developers.

FREEWAT Users Group

FREEWAT Developers Group