A basic FREEWAT training course


A basic training course "Numerical modeling for water resource management" was held at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa, Italy) on May 17th-18th, 2018.

The course, free of charge, was organized as part of the EU LIFE REWAT project (www.liferewat.eu), with the aim of providing the participants with basic skills in numerical modeling techniques and the implementation of groundwater flow models, through theoretical lessons and practical exercises using the FREEWAT platform.

The course was attended by 24 participants, among which freelances, technicians from public administrations, representatives of companies and academics.

The course program envisaged the conceptualization and implementation of a groundwater flow model in the Cornia valley (Tuscany, central Italy). Throughout the exercise, the participants had the opportunity to (i) acquire the basic concepts of numerical modeling, with particular reference to groundwater flow in porous media; (ii) strengthen the ability to use the QGIS software; (iii) use the MODFLOW code to simulate groundwater flow and interactions with surface water; (iv) get acquainted with the modeling tools integrated in FREEWAT.

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