Symposium on ict4water drives circular economy. The impacts of innovation in H2020 Projects

17 Jun 2016 - 10:45 to 16:00


Jerez de la Frontera (Spain)

The H2020 FREEWAT project participated in the Symposium on ict4water drives circular economy, organized by the ICT4WATER cluster and held in Jerez de la Frontera (Spain) on June 17th 2016, as a side event of the 13th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water technologies

The Symposium goal was how to ensure a more effective use and exploitation of research results, driving to better water management practices. The main EU projects on smart water solutions, grouped together in the ICT4water cluster, presented their updates and results - including demo sites at tens of cities across Europe.

ZETA AMALTEA one of the Spanish FREEWAT partners, represented our project first outcomes and innovative aspects in a round table comprising the projects of the H2020-Water 4a call.

The FREEWAT circular economy was shown, starting from developing the platform, displaying its features through training courses and conducting case studies, applying the FREEWAT platform to specific challenges regarding water management and the implementation of EU Water policies. Accordingly, we focused on how FREEWAT is involving stakeholders and disseminating our results to a wide audience using both technical/academic resources and social media. Besides, since FREEWAT consortium includes SMEs, a “business plan” for further uses of the platform, based on the conducted case studies will be developed.

For more info, please go to:

Click here to access the FREEWAT presentation

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