Water Protection Plan Meeting in Tuscany

On Friday March the 17th, the first open participatory meeting to set up the Water Protection Plan in Tuscany was held. The PTA is the regional plan that shall ensure the achievement of the parameters of quality for  both surface water and groundwater and the protection and valorization of water resources. The aforementioned Plan is developed on regional scale based on the Water Management Plan, it defines the measures (foreseen actions, interventions, rules) and the necessary resources to be implemented to ensure the achievement of quality goals as foreseen by the WFD

The Water Protection Plan is part of the Basin Management Plan released to ensure water management and protection, hence the PTA represents the link between the local districts strategic planning and the regional one ensuring a tailor made solution that depends on the local water needs of each district.

In this context, Regione Toscana, partner of two water management EU funded projects, introduced the possible synergies between the PTA and the Horizon 2020 FREEWAT project and LIFE REWAT, developing  tools for integrated and sustainable water resource management.

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